At Conway Primary School, all pupils with additional needs will have access to the National Curriculum and flourish in their learning. Staff provide the tools to remove barriers and provide opportunities to make all pupils independent and confident learners.

Pupils who are identified as having additional needs have their needs detailed on a provision map which outlines adaptations that will be made to ensure that they can access all learning.  Alongside this information, all pupils are assessed via the Birmingham Toolkit Progress Tracker which breaks down assessment statements into small and achievable milestones.  This information is then used by staff when planning lessons to ensure individual needs are catered for. 


Mr Gunchala is the interim SENCO at Conway Primary School. His role is to ensure that any children requiring extra support to access the curriculum make progress whilst at Conway. He arranges meetings with external agencies when necessary, so that the best provision can be put into place.

He also arranges frequent training for all staff so that they are able to identify those children in their classes who may require extra help and support. They then work together - parents included- as a team to put things in place to ensure that your child makes progress.

Sometimes the support required may be short term, allowing children to close any gaps in their learning so that they can keep pace with the rest of the class. Other children may require long term support due to their medical, developmental or emotional needs.

Mr Gunchala is also a member of the local schools’ consortium for SEND and receives support from the local authority (Pupils and Schools Support), so that he is able to share concerns regarding individual children.

If you have any questions, the list below is designed to help you.

Our school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, we usually call her the SENCo. AT Conway this is Mr Gunchala, who is covering Mrs Begum while she is on maternity leave.

If you would like to talk to the team, then you can make an appointment during term time. The best way to contact our SENCo is by telephoning the school office.

 You can also speak to your child's class teacher any time about your child's needs. They are available every day after school or ring the school to make an appointment.

Cognition and Learning - Children who find learning, thinking and understanding harder than most other pupils. Some of the things children might find difficult are:

  • Taking longer to learn important skills.
  • Finding it difficult to remember things such as the important words for reading or times tables.
  • Finding it hard to understand how to use letter sounds to read and spell words.
  • May need more time to think about their answers.

 Communication and Interaction - Children who find it difficult to interact with the people and world around them. Some of the things children might find difficult are:

  • Talking to other adults and or other children, especially when in a group.
  • Talking about a topic they haven't chosen to talk about.
  • Making friends or keeping friends for a long time.
  • Following rules made by someone else.
  • Dealing with noises, smells or other sensations around them.
  • Understanding what other people mean when they are talking.
  • Getting equipment and books organised - especially homework.
  • Any change to the normal routine.

 Social, emotional and mental health difficulties - Children who find it difficult to manage their emotions and behaviour in a way that affects their daily life. Some of the things children might find difficult are:

  • Following rules set by others.
  • Sitting still for long.
  • Listening to and following instructions.
  • Understanding how they are feeling.
  • Making friends.
  • Dealing with their difficulties in a way that does not cause harm to themselves or others.
  • Taking responsibility for the things they do.

Sensory and/or physical needs - Children who have a disability that may make it difficult for them to manage their everyday life without changes to the environment or support. This may be because of hearing or visual difficulties, physical disabilities or other medical needs. Some of the things children might find difficult are:

  • Hearing what others in the classroom or school setting are saying.
  • Reading words in books, on worksheets or whiteboards that are not made bigger or changed to help them.
  • Moving around without the aid of a walking aid or wheelchair.
  • Using pencils, scissors, knives and forks and other things that they need to use without changes or support.
  • Taking medication without adults helping them.
  • Teachers adapt what they are teaching or the way that they are teaching to help your child to learn with the rest of the class at the appropriate level.
  • Additional support can be given in a small group by an adult to help your child to learn the things they are finding difficult.
  • Additional support can be given to your child by an adult for a short time during the day to support them to learn skills.
  • Individual targets set to help show what your child needs help with.
  • Advice from a specialist support teacher or other professional will be called upon if required.
  • Support can be tailored to a child with particular needs upon consultation with the class teacher and SENCo.
  • Specific interventions are planned to encourage children bridge the gap in their learning and development.

Our school has an open-door policy, ensuring we are always approachable, so parents feel involved in the education of their child. This is done in a variety of ways including:

  • Parents' evenings every term.
  • Regular meetings with class teacher, (support staff where relevant), the SENCo and Deputy Head Teacher for Inclusion when needed.
  • Target setting so parents can see what their child is working on next.
  • Home/school books if needed to inform parents of important information.
  • Regular newsletter to inform parents of what will be going on during the term.
  • Important information on our school website.
  • Parent workshops.
  • Signposting to parent groups.
  • Parents' views on IPP/Annual Review documents.
  • Working with the parent link worker.
  • Contact via the class teacher in the first instance.
  • Scheduled Parents Evenings.
  • Termly review meetings and Annual Reviews (where needed).
  • Graduated approach to learning difficulties, using the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' model.
  • Open Door Policy of School.
  • SENCo advice and coordination.

All children's progress, including those children with special educational needs and disabilities, is tracked using the school's assessment tracking system. Pupils are assessed regularly using teacher marking, observations and questioning as well as more formal assessments such as curriculum tests and standardised tests.

In Birmingham we also have access to the Birmingham Language and Literacy and Maths toolkits which support assessment when a child is making small steps of progress. In addition, for children with special educational needs, we also set individual targets that are reviewed at least three times a year. This helps the school to monitor how well interventions are working. The progress each child is making is discussed at pupil progress meetings with the class teacher, phase leader (assistant head) and SENCo.

In our school we make provision for pupils with all types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

We know that some pupils will have difficulties in more than one area and we will always do our best to meet their needs. All children in school have support within lessons through differentiation and quality first teaching strategies. This means that activities are planned according to the level the child is working at. This can include a variety of adaptations including changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching styles as well as levels of adult support.

Members of staff have received training from the Communication and Autism Team, Visual and Hearing Impairment team and Occupational Therapy Team so that we can implement practical classroom strategies and support children with social skills, organisation and communication.

Conway is a two-storey building. Where children have a physical or medical difficulty the school ensures it provides appropriate resources. As a school we would always make adjustments to ensure that all children are fully included.

We also have resources to support children new to the country and with limited English to develop their understanding and use of English.

Agency or Service

Pupil and School Support (PSS)

Who they work with –

Children with cognition and learning difficulties. Staff in school to offer support, advice and training.

How school can contact them –

All Birmingham schools have an allocated PSS teacher who visits regularly. Parental consent required.

Physical Difficulties Support Service

Who they work with –

Children with physical difficulties which impact on their access in the school setting.

How school can contact them –

Schools have an allocated worker who they will contact. Parental consent is required on referral forms.

Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

Who they work with –

Children who already have a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties. Children who are being assessed for Autism or communication difficulties.

How school can contact them –

Schools have an allocated worker who they will contact. Parental consent is required on referral forms.

Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

Who they work with –

Children with complex needs. An Educational Psychologist will always be involved with a child who is referred for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

How school can contact them –

Schools have an allocated worker who they will contact. Parental consent is required on referral forms.

Sensory Support

Who they work with –

Children with a visual impairment or hearing impairment.

How school can contact them –

Schools have an allocated worker who they will contact. This includes our visual impairment teacher and the case worker. We also have access to support from the hearing impairment team. Parental consent is required on referral forms.

School Nurse

Who they work with –

Children with medical needs.

How school can contact them –

Works in school regularly and can be contacted via school.

Special Educational Needs Parent Partnership Service - Also known as:

Special Educational Needs Disability Information and Advice Support Services (SENDIASS) 0121 303 5004

Who they work with –

The Special Educational Needs Parent Partnership Service exists to provide advice and information to parents and pupils in Birmingham. This information is designed to explain special educational needs procedures, to help you understand the law and procedures that affect you and your child, and to provide information on other issues that may be useful.

How school can contact them –

Special Educational Needs Parent Partnership Service, The POD, 28 Oliver Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 4NX. Email Address: Telephone Number: 0121 303 5004

Forward Thinking Birmingham

Who they work with –

Children with anxiety, depression, post- traumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, OCD.

How school can contact them –

Single point of access referral. Can be made by GP or school or family. Parental consent required.

Occupational Therapy

Who they work with –

Children with Sensory needs, dietary issues, physical needs, learning difficulties

How school can contact them –

Ring the helpline or ask SENCo to contact OT

Telephone: 0121 466 6266

  • Tracking and attainment of child and progress made from baseline.
  • Attendance data showing that children are coming to school.
  • Data and information from intervention records indicating progress linked to targets.
  • Language and Literacy toolkit to track progress in smaller steps.
  • Feedback from Child, Parents, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, SENCo and outside agencies involved.

In our school we believe that all staff should be involved in supporting pupils with special educational needs, disabilities and medical needs so we make sure that staff have training to help them do this.

Staff training needs are reviewed on a regular basis dependant on the needs of our children and whenever a need arises. Recent training has included Safeguarding, EpiPen, Facilitating Communication and Learning, Diabetes, Asthma, Physical difficulties awareness training, Positive Handling.

As well as this, various members of staff have been trained for different aspects of special educational needs including barrier games, working with pupils with hearing impairment, Lego therapy, specific phonics and reading intervention programmes.

  • Class teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class, and will ensure that your child's needs are met.
  • Specially trained support staff can adapt the teachers planning to support the needs of your child where necessary.
  • Specific resources and strategies will be used to support your child individually and in groups.
  • The teacher based in the Hive plans English and Maths lessons for a small group of children.
  • Planning and teaching will be adapted on a daily basis if needed to meet your child's learning needs.
  • Tracking and attainment of child and progress made from KS1 baseline.
  • Attendance data.
  • Birmingham Toolkit Progress Tracker
  • Point to point entry and exit data from Intervention.
  • Feedback from Child, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, SENCO and outside agencies involved.
  • There is termly formal assessment and the school tracking system identifies progress termly.
  • Pupil involvement and views on their progression.

We aim to involve all children in our school in the evaluation and implementation of their own education. For children with Special Educational Needs we use a variety of strategies to support this including:

  • Person Centred Reviews.
  • Child's target review meetings.
  • Involve child in setting their own targets.
  • Self-assessment at the beginning and end of learning.
  • Having a range of equipment available for the child to choose to use.
  • Ensuring the child works with a range of different partners.
  • Ensuring the child has a designated adult to go to if they need help.
  • School Councillors.
  • Encouragement to join in with extracurricular clubs.
  • One page profiles.
  • Medical alert cards.
  • Communication cards.
  • Visual timetables.
  • Prompt cards to promote independence.
  • Personalised work stations.
  • Learning break.
  • As part of our open door policy the class teacher is regularly available to discuss your child's progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used.
  • The SENCo or senior leaders are available to meet with you to discuss your child's progress or any concerns/worries you may have.
  • All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you and the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
  • Your child's provision will be reviewed with your involvement each term.
  • Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child's individual needs.
  • A home/school contact book may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
  • We will signpost you to parent support groups.

Adjustments are made to physical environment where necessary, integration assistants where applicable, specialist equipment, visual timetables, now and next boards, social stories, transition books, additional adult support where necessary.

See the Accessibility Plan in our policies section.

We aim to make times of transition as easy as possible for the children and young people in our school. If appropriate, when starting at our school we:

  • Meet with the child and their parents to talk about their needs and answer any questions about our school.
  • Meet with staff at the child's previous school or setting.
  • Provide the child or young person with a transition book that has photographs of the key staff and areas around school.
  • Read reports from people who have worked with the children.
  • Arrange visits to our school so the child is familiar with the setting before they start.
  • Give any adults working with the child a one page profile describing the things that help to support them in school.
  • Identify any particular needs e.g. language, medical, physical, learning, and introduce appropriate staff who will support your child.

Based on needs, when moving to a new year group we:

  • Introduce the child to their new teacher and teaching assistant individually.
  • Provide the child or young person with an updated transition book that has photographs of the key staff and areas around school to look at during the school holidays.
  • Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions they may have about the new year group.
  • Give any adults working with the child a one page profile describing the things that help to support them in school.

When moving to a new school we:

  • Hold a review and invite key staff from the new school.
  • Talk to key staff at the new school about things that help the child or young person to learn well and be happy at school.
  • Arrange extra visits to the new school with a member of staff from our school if that is what the child wants.
  • Talk to the child and their family so we can answer any questions they may have about the new school.

Our School SEN Policy can be found on our Key Information & Policies — Conway Primary School page of this website. This is reviewed and updated annually.

In our Trust we have a trustee who is responsible for special educational needs. Her name is Ms B.Perkes.

Her job is to meet with the SENCo and Deputy Head Teacher regularly. In these meetings the SEN trustee makes sure that children, young people and families are being supported by the right services both in and outside of school. The SEN trustee is involved in the whole school monitoring schedule. In addition the Headteacher, Deputy Head Teacher (Inclusion) and SENCo have to report to the SEN trustee twice a year.

The SEN trustee shares this report with the other trustees so that the whole governing body is aware of how special educational needs are being supported in the school and how well this support is working. The governors will challenge, support and advise the head teacher if appropriate provision isn't being made.

If you have a complaint about the school's provision for your child which cannot be resolved with the class teacher or the SENCo, please contact the Deputy Headteacher in the first instance, and we will do everything we can to address the issue.

Our school and governing body take complaints seriously and will act upon these on an individual basis. For more information about the complaints procedure please contact the school office .

By law, Birmingham Local Authority has to provide information on a website detailing all services available in Birmingham for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This information is called The Local Offer.

Local Offer Birmingham | SEND Advice and Information

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