Meet the team

Miss Zulfiqar - 4Z

Miss Kennedy - 4K 

Year Group Lead - Mrs Hoque 

Phase Lead - Miss Jehangir 

Support Staff - Miss Bi


Government expectation is that by the end of Year 4, all children to know their multiplication facts up to 12x12.

Year 4 children will take the government’s national times table test in summer 2023.

Children will be practising times tables in school each week but support from home is greatly appreciated

How to support your child with learning their Times Tables.

Top Tips at being Terrific at Times Tables!

Complete a times tables grid and put it up somewhere in your house so that you can look at it regularly.

Repetition! Repeat times tables over and over again in lots of different fun ways. Here are some ideas:

  • chant them!
  • sing them!
  • rap them!
  • race to say them out loud!

Answer the interactive questions and play the games on

To assist your child in improving their times tables, we have complied a list of useful times table websites available below:

Times tables games - Learn them all here!

Spring 2

History - Vikings

Pupils will learn how the Vikings came from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) and travelled to Britain and Ireland in longboats. Pupils will also find out about the importance of Lindisfarne and how the Vikings invaded Lindisfarne monastery in 793AD. They will learn about settlements, way of life and religion. Finally, pupils will learn about artefacts and historical sites and how they are used to tell us information about the past.

Science - Food Chains

Pupils will be learning about the food chain and classifying the different groups; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. In addition to this, they will explore the different parts of a food chain and how it is specific to habitats. Alongside this they will construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Finally, the pupils will look at food webs and how the energy is transferred between multiple producers and consumers.

Class Routines 2023-24

Every day, children are expected to bring their reading book and reading record to school.

Spellings are given to learn on Thursday. They will have a spelling test the following Thursday.

Homework is given out on Friday. They will have a week to complete this and needs to be returned by the following Friday.

Children need to attend school wearing their PE kit every Tuesday & Friday.