Teachers: Mr Brodrick, Mrs Begum, Mrs Yasin, Miss Ghelle and Miss Jehangir

Support Staff: Miss Hussain

Phase leader: Miss Jehangir


Home given out every Friday to be returned on Wednesday.

PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

Spring 2

Geography: The World From Above

The children will be learning about what Earth looks like from outer space before looking at the uses and benefits of aerial photographs and satellites. They will then move on to learn about the landforms that can be seen from above before looking at human geography in more detail. Lastly, the children will learn about how looking from above can teach us about environmental factors.

Science: Earth and Space

For our ‘Science and Earth’ topic, the children will learn about the planets in our solar system, their location in relevance to the sun and how they move. They will move on to learn about the phases of the moon and how we have night and day. Finally, the children will learn about space travel and significant people who have been to space.

Learn your times tables the fun way!

Maths Games

Top Marks Maths Games

Tommy's Times Tables Trek


https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/log-in.html - handwriting practise.

https://ttrockstars.com/ - multiplication games.