Meet the team

Teachers: Mrs Aslam, Mrs Yousaf & Miss Bi

Support staff : Mrs Begum, Miss Cocks & Miss Gibbins

Key information


Children need to attend school wearing their PE kit.

Year 1 will have PE on Monday and Thursdays.


Children are given spellings to learn every Friday from the Year 1 Curriculum. They will have a test the following Friday.


Every day, children are expected to bring their reading book and reading record into school.


We have gone digital! Homework will now be online. Find the logins for Lexia, Letter- join and Times Tables Rockstars in your child’s yellow reading diary.


Please help your child learn their sounds by playing lots of games on PhonicsPlay.

Bonfire Night 

In this unit the children will develop a chronological understanding of the timeline of fireworks, bonfire night and Guy Fawkes. They will explore the history of fireworks. By the end of the topic the children will have a good understanding of China and what it is like compared to England. The children will develop an understanding of colour and how to mix colours. They will be able to use descriptive language to create labels for firework boxes. To start the topic the children will role play a bonfire night experience in school, toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate whilst watching some beautiful firework displays. The children cannot wait to start this topic! 

Knowledge organiser